Surprise trip to Barcelona : Day 1
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Last week my boyfriend suddenly announced we were going on a trip for the long weekend, four full days, but he didn't tell me where. Read about the first day of my surprise trip!
I only knew we'd travel by plane, that it was an hour and a half flight and that it'd be about the same weather as where we live. We could be going to a lot of different places, it was so exciting! I packed the best I could, you can watch me getting ready here. I only had carry on so I had to pack small samples and miniature sizes.
We got up very early on Friday and headed towards the airport, I had the feeling it might be somewhere in Spain because his mum told us to call when we got there (otherwise she'd have said text me). We got there, checked in and joined the queue: we were going to Barcelona!
I was completely worn out as the night before I had been editing a video and preparing some blog posts and also tidying the house. As soon as I sat on the plane all the excitement of the week took its toll and I fell asleep even before we took off!
We got to Barcelona and took a bus to the city centre. From there we took the underground and walked to our hotel. It took us a while to figure out how it worked, I find it much easier to navigate in London even though it's a larger and more complex underground system.

We left our suitcases in the hotel and headed back to the centre. It was sunny although chilly and the centre was bustling with tourists. We had decided to explore the area around Plaza Catalunya which is where most of the shops were. But first we needed some fuel so we went to Hard Rock Cafe.
I always visit Hard Rock Cafes wherever I go as I love rock music and it's like a landmark to visit in almost every large city in the world. I bought a sweater and a magnet as keepsakes. We also had lunch there which turned out to be very cheap for some reason! I quite like the large burgers they have on offer although it isn't very traditional for Spain!
After that we had the whole afternoon to roam around. We visited many shops, I was surprised to find out there was an Urban Outfitters and I was in awe of the size of their Sephora (I think even my boyfriend was impressed).
We walked down the famous Ramblas which is a long avenue lined by tall trees with shops and restaurants in either side of the street and stalls in the middle. The whole street had lovely Christmas lights and the atmosphere was lovely, I was so happy! We even found an old market full of stalls with meat, fish and fresh fruit. It was like going back 50 years into the past.
We walked all the way down to Colon, which is a large statue of Columbus by the port and we decided to go to the harbour. The sun was setting but there were still a lot of people around so we went to investigate. The port had a large shopping centre with lovely views to the whole seafront so we got the chance to take some nice photos.
It gets dark earlier than where we live, so we got the chance to enjoy the Christmas lights and the busy streets at night. It's a lovely experience and it really gets you into the holiday spirit. We walked up towards Paseo de Gracia which is the street with the most expensive boutiques and we walked past Casa Batlló which has an amazing façade.
We were really tired by the end of the day and went back to our lovely hotel to rest and be ready for another exciting day tomorrow!
Have you ever been on a surprise trip?